Thread: KJW M4 gbbr
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Old May 20th, 2017, 13:34   #1
Join Date: May 2017
KJW M4 gbbr

Hello everyone,

I am having a lot of trouble with an m4 i bought about 6 months ago. I must say that I bought it completely destroyed, and paid a very low price for it (basically paid for the mags and gun was free with it). I wanted to rebuild in order to understand gbbrs more in depth, and I think I got more than what I bargained for.

So here is a photo of the airsoft:

When I first tried it, it did not shoot. It was not a big surprise, since there was no bolt carrier. When th one I ordered finally arrived, I was happy to hear it shoot. But the problem is that the trigger does not seem to cycle completely. Also, when I try to turn the selector to auto, the m4 discharges, and blocks before arriving to auto. Here is a video of what is happening:

So after separating the receivers, this is what I can see. Now I know the quality is not very good, since it was hard to shine it inside the lower, but here is what I understood. The selector seems to get stuck under the trigger assembly instead of over, which causes the trigger group to raise, and therefore, shoots. I have disassembled and reassembled it countless times and have never been able to change that. Here is the video of what is happening:

For the problem of the trigger not resetting, I am afraid I simply have no clue of what happens, and therefore cannot show anything. Although, I can assume that this problem is linked to the selector and the trigger group. Here is a picture of what the internals look like.

But the problems do not stop here, as I have other external problems (less important IMO). First of all, the handguard is crooked, which can (probably) easily be fixed by getting my hands on one of these handguard tools. The second problem comes from the buffer tube, which seems snapped in two. It would be easy for me to remove it and check exactly which pieces are broken, only the screw which prevents the tube from being removed is stripped. Here are the pictures and the video of the buffer tube:

Thank you all for your help, if you need more pictures or anything I will provide them, feel free to ask!

Last edited by Charlot1405; May 20th, 2017 at 16:41.. Reason: Pictures not working
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