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Old January 31st, 2017, 23:36   #26
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Trenton, ON
Originally Posted by Tuzi View Post
So the vp9 is very nice. Feels great looks great.
I have to say though, I was expecting, hoping, for it to be packaged the same way the ppq m2 was, in a cnc'd foam lined case... but alas, cardboard box... so that was a let down.
The internals are quite different from all my other pistols, very simple, clean. Assembly is good, tight lines, clean finish... not quite as refined as the ppq m2, but better than the cybergun fnx45.
Trademarks are well defined, and complete with the Ulm proof mark.
Should have ordered 2.
(haven't shot yet)
or so I heard. my contact notified that it was ready for pick up, which is what I'm going to do tmrw

I already got the AMG thread adapter:

but I feel that there is not enough thread to go in the barrel to make it solid enough with the weight of a suppressor.

edit: is the cardboard box like this one? if so, I'd say it's pretty standard for Umarex
Heckler & Koch: buy once, cry once.

Last edited by NAAZ; January 31st, 2017 at 23:44..
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