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Old December 6th, 2016, 23:28   #27
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Kitchener-Waterloo-London
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[QUOTE=PandaAirsoft;1994678]So it seems like airsoft fields don't allow people changing PSI in game and consider it cheating, due to some people increasing FPS beyond the field regulations.

I've been thinking, if I have my rifle chrono'ed at DMR settings(Semi, High FPS) and I'm in close range from an enemy, is it acceptable to decrease PSI to a suitable level(Semi, Low FPS) for CQB in game? Or, is that still not allowed and be considered cheating?

Tournament locks and chronos seem quite easy to bypass. Would refs/players frown upon changing PSI in game, even though its the opposite of what tourney locks are to prevent?

If it's not allowed, how else could I turn a DMR into CQB friendly on the fly? I was thinking of switching to a mag of low weight BBs but, an article I read stated that switching to low weight BBs causes FPS to be too great and is painfully unsafe at short ranges. I'm not shooting myself to find out.

Maybe a foam suppressor with a "too small" inner diameter but, that would wear out and start to have less inhibitory effect over time, without warning.

Of course I could just engage with DMR settings but, being an outdoor field, normal settings at close range is already quite painful. I wouldn't want to cause people unnecessary pain. Surprisingly, Google doesn't have anything on this.

Your lack of knowledge is scary. I would say an HPA gun would be beyond your skill and maturity level atm based on your lack of fundamental understanding about airsoft guns and how they operate. There are some great youtube videos that will explain and help you understand about these FPS, bb weight, Jules of energy and why fields have restrictions. Maybe a good rule of thumb would be if you cant upgrade your own gun from stock maybe you shouldn't be running a scary high powered HPA gun just yet.
A paintball gun can kill people if you increase the FPS over 300 because the energy of a 3gram paintball is much more than an 0.20gram arisoft bb.
Increase the FPS enough and you will cause injury, and its crazy easy todo with an HPA gun. Hence why fields are not happy with uneducated kids blasting people for the sake of some extra range.
lvl 3 sniper Certified
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