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Old December 1st, 2016, 20:45   #22
T-Hell's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Winnipeg Manitoba
Ok fine

this is the situation. I saw that you wanted a polarstar in you original pose you talked about 800 - 1000

I offered you 800 and you have to admit after you see the parts list I sent you with prices you are getting a great deal.

then you started taking the price lower and I said I would think about it
meanwhile pursuing the sale.... you asked for more pictures (I guess 12+ pictures were not enough

I just got home so I took2 more pics and just emailed them to you... as you wanted with the date whatever

as you can see I have been on here for a long time if I was gonna be someone who screwed people then there would be a lot of negative feedback on me

I told you my Ebay ID where I have hundreds of 100% positive feedback as both a seller and buyer could have looked that one up

anyway I am not accepting 725 I consider that a low ball offer and until money changes hands I reserve that right as the seller

you right as the buyer is to either not buy or buy that is up to you...

as I said I am not motivated to sell to the first person...
I am more wanting to get this gun into someones hands that will use it... i prefer my Polarstar PDRc or my KC02 which runs on HPA as well

any who up to you

Buy or not the decision is yours to make
800 is the offer.... plus shipping and PayPal fees if you want to use PayPal I would suggest using PayPal if you want to go ahead it offers a level of protection for you and I

but that is your call...

Rhino Living
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