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Old December 1st, 2016, 20:08   #21
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Vancouver
Originally Posted by T-Hell View Post
and totally the deal is not done till you agree and the money is on the way if someone else offered me 800 today I would take it unless your money is in my hand there is no guarantee of a sale

considering a deal and taking a deal are 2 very different things noob
Woah dude, hey why are you suddenly giving me this attitude man?

I believe I've been nothing but respectful to you. You're the one that made the offer for $725 and I said I was going accept it right after I verify that the sale is legitimate. That's very reasonable. It's quite strange for someone to up the price after, which is why I questioned it.

There's no need for this to get all heated. We are just discussing a deal, and it would be great if we kept everything civil, please.
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