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Old December 1st, 2016, 16:39   #18
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Vancouver
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Take the time to get age verified on here, it can be a pain in the ass to get done, BUT it offers excellent buyer protection in that everyone is vetted, and usually has previous trader history. If you make a deal outside the system, there's nothing we can do about that. All used gun sales carry a risk, but the risk is minimized in the AV system.
I would highly recommend not pursuing that deal.

That's absolutely true about fluid dynamics. This is why the most important feature of an inner barrel is it's quality; to have the smoothest, most concentric, and straightest bore possible.
Well, he finally did reply me from his business email, so I'm a lot more confident that he's not a scammer. Also claims to know you personally. He's insisting on the increased $800 price. Though it still sounds like an acceptable offer from what he claims it's worth, I'm a little taken aback by the sudden backpedaling. I've purchased many things online, through eBay, craigslist, etc. but never in the open, outside of a system non-locally. I've never once experienced someone increasing the price on me after we've agreed. Please tell me it's not a normal thing in the airsoft community. I'd hate to get into this hobby and have to constantly deal with that.

Also wow, there's so many aspects of airsoft rifles I've never considered. Makes sense though, if this barrel fouling is a bigger problem than air supply for HPA. And to think I thought I knew a lot when I found out about hopup, and how the mechanics of BB's are completely different than of bullets.

Do barrels wear out and need to be replaced eventually then?

Yeah, I definitely like the idea of being sneaky and accurately picking out targets over a spray of support fire. Never shot one before but, bolt action seems kinda fun, though I'd still like the ability to spray down a location if I have to. Maybe I'll get one of those far in the future, haha

Last edited by PandaAirsoft; December 1st, 2016 at 17:11..
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