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Old November 29th, 2016, 10:55   #10
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Vancouver
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Dont expect any stock guns to have impressive range or accuracy.
Just pick a gun that's upgradeable. In your case if you want a polarstar, probably get a VFC since (as i recall) theyre the best compatible.

Dont worry about barrel length or anything; a cqbr will shoot just as far and accurately as an m16, but its easier for someone to stabilize the m16 to be accurate at long range.
I see. After doing some more research, I'm starting to feel like my funds are insufficient for what I'm looking for. A new stock VFC is just too pricey for me to gut out for my build.

I read that 455mm is the optimal length for precision. 363mm is well under but, assuming my aim is as steady as a vice clamp, what do you think is the optimal length? Surely there is a "too short", as a 0mm barrel is too short.
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