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Old November 27th, 2016, 11:57   #4
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
The best price I have found for a V2 FE in Canada is Andy's Airsoft:

If you can take apart an AEG and replace the gearbox (not difficult - plenty of online guides avaiable with a little Google-fu), you can perform the installation yourself. This gives you the option of using any old body (as in purchase a junker and gut the internals).

Realize that when ordering from the USA, after paying shipping and customs you will be paying the same if not more than if purchased directly from a Canadian vendor. Case in point; the V2 FE is $470 USD from Amped Airsoft which is $635 CDN after exchange alone ($1 CDN = $ .74 US).

Buy you batteries from Hobby King (select the US E or W warehouse as LiPos will not ship from overseas anymore):

I've seen these things marked up as much as 800% at airsoft shops.

Last edited by danhay; November 27th, 2016 at 12:04..
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