Originally Posted by RainyEyes
Are you left handed or right handed?
The holster retention button is far enough away from the mag release so it shouldn't be touching it at all.
How are you drawing your weapon so that it's hitting the mag release? It should be straight up and toward your chest and right in front for ready to fire. If it is due to a weak spring and it's being depressed too easily while in the condor holster, you can buy an after-market one that is stronger.
Serpa holsters lock into the trigger guard to prevent an assailant from accessing the trigger (if the operator isn't paying attention). The benefit of a serpa is that it does not have any of the clutter that a condor one has that might bump into the mag release.
Personally I think that condor holsters need to be condemned because I am too clumsy to draw my weapon through that damn strap.
Im right handed. the problem isnt when I draw its when i move. theres been many times now when i draw the gun and the mag is back at the spawn (three times during the last game i played). my buddie is an avid 1911 user and he has a blackhawk serpa v3 for his 1911's but my gun does not fit it. i guess it could if i filed it, as has been mentioned here.