Originally Posted by Fobby
The Blackhawk! 1911 serpa holster works with my TM hi-capa 5.1 after some filing

Looks ugly, but retention is fine if a little tight. You have to file it because the lower frame on a hicapa is wider than a standard 1911 because it's a double-stack design. However, if your lower has a rail instead of the "classic" curved frame, you will have to take off A LOT more material to fit to the point I didn't even bother trying to fit my 4.3 in it.
If you want a serpa and have some files and about an hour of your time, it's definitely an option.
I checked on the site and there's a few 1911 variants that might make a difference. Most don't have a problem with a 5.1 but the 4.3 is a no-go for most serpas.