Originally Posted by Hectic
mystery boxes are fun if you have disposeable income. if your gun doesnt perform they way you want then either upgrade or buy something beter.
the box you may wind up with something that is just as bad.
what dont you like aboit ypur current set up. a simple hop up and barrel may make great improvements.
My current problem with the gun is that the motor fucked off on me. To get it running all I need is a motor, but I wanted to upgrade the internals while I'm at it for better reliability. I'd be getting mostly shs parts. Gears, piston, piston head, nozzle, tappet... Basically gutting the shell and replacing the parts. Going to be radiusing the box too. I also plan to put a new hop rubber, likely a lonex rubber or a pdi w-hold. Gun was accurate enough stock, so a flat hopped barrel with come later.
I think upgrading would be better now. I do love the bullpup platform.