Another update, small one...
I've decided to difinitively reduce my ROF, 22.5 RPS is too high for my liking, and this recent jump to 24.5 with the small box mag is way too high.
So after doing some research, in
very loose terms...
Voltage will dictate a DC motors speed
Current will impact the available torque a DC motor can put out
To relate this back to the batteries, the voltage (ie 9.6v, 9.9v, 11.1v, etc.) needs to be reduced from 9.9v to reduce my ROF, without cutting the amperage supply of the battery too much.
I have a package of resistors kicking around, so attempted to resolve this by creating resistance across the motor input, but even at 1 Ohm, it was too much. So after some testing with other batteries, I can achieve 18-19 RPS with a 7.4v Lipo. Sourced some 2200 Mah 7.4v batteries with near identical dimensions to the 9.9v LiFe batteries I'm using currently and this should put the ROF concern to bed. More on that once they arrive!