So first thing is to get the terminology right. The actual part that releases the hammer is called the sear. The sear is actually part of the hammer and it is located at the front. The sear is a corner that mates With a notch in the hammer. The other piece you are referring to that sits in the trigger is called the disconnecter. The disconnecter actually grabs onto the hammer first before it is caught by the sear in semi. In full auto, the disconnect is disengaged.
Regardless if the trigger box is stock or ratech it's the same so swapping trigger boxes isn't going to do anything. The issue is the engagement between the ratech hammer and ratech disconnector. This is a hook design vs the stock counterparts which is a notch design.. You can't mix and match between ratech and we for this reason because they were designed to work together. Don't use the stock we trigger as it will be worn out by the rate has steel parts
If u give it to me, I can troubleshoot it for u