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Old June 30th, 2016, 14:47   #12
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Location: Markham
Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
As for the comms, you can sure make a game or break it, kinda like the real thing I suppose. I've had a Baofeng for a while now and it's been a solid radio without blowing the bank. The software to program it was relatively quick to figure out and the channel frequencies can be gotten off of the Gov't of Canada website for GFRS. I just wish it did CB too!

An earpiece of some kind is a huge plus as well. I've got the 'g-man' style now and it works great without being intrusive to my surroundings. I can still hear everything going on and can wear light headgear and glasses without it getting in the way. Some of the big tactical headsets weren't my thing...good fro some, not for others, y'know?

The range on the Baofeng is also stellar and it never breaks up.

Now, interesting points on technology and airsoft. At some point should there be restrictions on levels of tech brought into a game so that you could have various levels of gameplay without unfair advantage? I'm all for guys who want to use nightvision or infrared in a low light environment, but if the majority aren't using it, should it still be allowed? That sort of thing...

For example, if the game is WWII or Viet Nam based, and no such gadgets were around, is that where we draw a line? Lose the toys? Or if the players want to do it 'old school'...could that be a thing?

Just wondering if that sort of classification will ever show up in the sport...
For the tech restrictions, there are a few organizers doing that. Delta runs No-NODS (name is self-explanatory; no NODS or thermals), and the WWII and Vietnam games I've heard of are for serious re-enacters and don't have NODS (well, maybe Starlight scopes for the Vietnam games).

Apparently, some milsimmers enjoy the challenge of going up against NODS without NODS of their own, but I wouldn't know lol. Warfare nowadays is usually technologically-speaking one-sided; don't see why airsoft should be an exception. Regarding that though, I have read AARs that describe opposing teams getting completely and utterly wiped out because the other side had way more NODs, so there is that. Maybe figure out how to balance the tech upon registration?
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