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Old June 30th, 2016, 03:30   #9
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Nowhere near you, B.C.
Wow i had know idea ppl would invest so much into gear like radios, is it pretty common? when i see people goin all out as if the latest and greatest military gear was essential to their game play (maybe ill start out with a string and two cups? seeing as how i spent my whole paycheck on the actual guns)..but i do see how it could get to the point where the quality of your accessories become just as important as the quality of the guns because it reminds me of when i first played airsoft some 13 years ago. Our skirmishes were purely high school kids from the nieghborhood, (actually it was about 2001 cause i was a freshmen and my brother was a senior at a different, private highschool). My friends and i all had spring pistols (and laughed at one kid who tried using a AAbatterieg gun with 25ft max range), someone did have like an $89 spring rifle that was like the british m16 equivalent but my point is that at the time none of us had even seen an AEG, and by the end of that year only one kid had upgraded to a semi-auto greengas pistol....but then one day my brother and his friends said they had invited a new kid from there school to come out..well this kid had way more money then us and i realized that we had been playing a totally different game then him the whole time, what with our $20 P99s & spring shotguns and wasnt even fun haha we were used to way more running and chasing, and now there was this guy who played like a turret, just spraying bbs no more then 10 inches apart from one another at a distance that we couldnt even reach him i live in the middle of nowhere, B.C. and our small group competes fairly with aegs, and when people try to play with us and only have a shitty spring pistol that only holds 15 .12g BBs they get torn apart and dont enjoy it....well im pretty sure that if me and my friends were to play with 99% of the members here it just wouldnt be fun hahaha it seems like everyone here treats airsoft like a profession rather than a pastime, and therefor any game would be marine vs somalian pirates cause we dont use radios, MIT units, nightvision, optics or scopes...then again if we get 6 on 6 thats like DDay to us..2 on 2 is pretty normal...i see insane battles in scottland on youtube and EVeryone looks like they are actually in combat lol, im suprised they feel their hits through all the gear they have on (i do want a ghillie suit thingy tho) guy had a minigun replica!!!must be worth as much as some cars. im not trying to make fun of people (i think alotta members already hate me), i just dont think i could afford to go all out with the gear..sometimes i see guns that are more expensive then the real things and it blows my mind...but i guess i wanna ask if someone with a simple aeg and a pair of sunglasses could even compete fairly with the die-hards with all the upgrades, accesories, camo and shit?

we are thinking of trying some grenades, they look fun

I dont play airsoft to make new friends, i play to shoot the ones i have...

Last edited by mikebarkski; June 30th, 2016 at 03:41..
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