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Old June 29th, 2016, 15:03   #29
ShelledPants's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto, On
Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post
Cause your judgemental and like to make assumptions...its ok, i know lots of people like that...(i dont mean that to be mean or antagonizing, however i LOVE making over-the-top comments, playing devils advocate, abrupt sarcasm & anything that will get a quick rise out of people, or leaving them assuming that i am an end-of-the-world theorist with a massive stock pile of real ammunition and explosives)...ever play with tannerite explosive!? that stuff is fun!!! (and now a bunch of people on this forum probably think 'im the reason guns get a bad rep' or maybe that i should have my kids taken away
lol, people are really politically-sensitive these days, and like to "

I have i no criminal record, just like my civil liberties is all
Look here friend, Airsoft is a relatively small community here in Canada, and posts like the above are not quickly forgotten. So how about you chill out and remove foot from mouth so that you can play the game without everyone knowing every minute detail that runs through your head.

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