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Old June 22nd, 2016, 18:59   #37
Flavio's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Aurora, ON
Originally Posted by Naien View Post
Since this thread is already up here, I'll take the chance to ask some questions as well.

I'm also just getting into airsoft and after a bunch of research it seems like the G&G SG550 is a great gun right out of the box. That being said, the quality seems to come at a cost.

Would paying $420 be too much for this or is that a decent deal? It's kind of hard to go off the prices from the classifieds since only a handful of these have been listed there before.

Welcome to the world of airsoft!! A fun but endless money pit!

I'm not familiar with the SG550 but once you're in the $400 range VFC is usually the brand of choice. They are top notch.

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