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Old June 19th, 2016, 22:02   #17
Join Date: May 2016
Location: North Vancouver BC
Originally Posted by Peakyblinders18 View Post
Well I'm very new to airsoft so I was kind of thinking getting a G&G to test the sport out and see if I like it then upgrading to a vfc and keeping my G&G as back up ? But I use to be pretty into paintball and am really interested in mil-sim so do I just get a vfc and assume that I'll really like airsoft and keep going ? Ahhhh so many uncertainties lol

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I am in the same boat as you, transitioning from being a tactical Woodsball player to airsoft. I played with a CM rental gun for the first couple of times, and I did enjoy the lightness of the polymer gun, but after asking this group I decided to push the budget and get into a metal gun. In my case I decided to go with a Lonex gun that was very similar to the VFC , but slightly cheaper.
If you already enjoy tactical paintball, it's a pretty safe bet you will like airsoft, so you might as well start with quality gear.
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