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Old June 7th, 2016, 19:58   #29
mr_nuts31's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Petawawa, ON
I didn't like the idea of HPA because of the idea of hoses and speedsofters and all that, but I converted when I installed a SMP into my Inokatsu M240. I've been sitting on that project for a year until then, and I never regretted that decision(but those on the receiving end did lol). Does that mean I like HPA? sure. Will this make me get rid of my AEGs and tell others that own AEGs that they're gay? No. To me, I believe like a lot of others here that HPA works best on LMGs. I'm not an asshole, I tuned the FPS on it to a much lower level using only a specific ammo weight for it. I don't even abuse the ROF on it mainly because of the boxmag/hopper can't keep up. As for me running the SMP instead of other systems, its because of how unique the Inokatsu M240 is built. My teammates mostly have at least one HPA gun and its usually a LMG for the reliability. Hell, the .50cal that's mounted on my team vehicle is powered by HPA. So overall, HPA isn't that bad when mounted on a support weapon platform. Everything else will cause massive debates.
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