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Old May 26th, 2016, 14:08   #11
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Lurkingknight is not entirely correct.
You do need to make sure you're getting the right muzzle energy, and that you dont have any big air leaks. But he's assuming all hop rubbers are equal. There are good ones and bad ones and a new $5 hop rubber could get you an extra 75ft of range even if your compression is crap.
So upgrading the hop rubber alone is often the cheapest and best solution.

Rhop is a bit much since theres no sense in NOT pairing it with the best barrel out there (theyre made onto the barrel so you cant just buy a barrel later and transfer it over)

Id suggest a flat hop for now. And chrono the gun, make sure its in the right fps range.
You can upgrade the barrel later.
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