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Old March 8th, 2016, 03:45   #2
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I've been running my Marushin's on green gas for quite a while now, no issues at all. They're surprisingly tougher than Marui revolvers, I've seen more Marui revolvers with issues running green gas than Marushin's.

That said, some Marushin may need a tiny bit of work to get it to run reliably on green gas. A number of the ones I've seen have been sitting for a while and tend to leak right out of the box. Had that issue w/ my SAA when I got her and after a bit of maintenance she runs great on green gas. I usually tear them down for a maintenance check every couple of months, but haven't ran into any big issues yet.

Out of curiosity, which Marushin wheelgun did you pick up?
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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