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Old January 2nd, 2016, 00:52   #8
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Originally Posted by kar120c View Post
Have you experience about ACE1 Arms Slide with RMR and not? They seem to be the only SAI and Agency Arms slides for WE G19. They have a proprietary bbw housing and someone say that they are too heavy.
With one of this and a new trigger my G19 should look better

Of course they're a bit heavier. It has to carry a red dot with it. THe kit comes with a upgraded recoil spring anyway (although I don't recommend using it).
Is it TOO heavy? No, not it my professional opinion. In fact, the stock WE recoil spring is more than capable of carrying that slide assembly with the red dot.

I don't normally buy Ace 1 Arms products. Mainly because they are ok at best. Anodized finish (i believe) on the slide (I don't think the barrel is.THat gold is horrific and comes off really fast) and CNC'ed aluminum, if i remember correctly. Some of them are able to be installed with minimal or no modifications while some needs a ton of work to get a fluent and unencumbered action. Some of them don't even work properly outright out of the box. It's really a mystery on which one you'll get. At least in my experience.

The internals it comes with are ok. THe loading muzzle is apparently a strengthened one although i dunno what kind of shit they made it out of. I've seen them break consistently within 500-700 shots.

But that was back then. I dont know if they stepped up their quality in their more recent production runs but I personally don't buy their crap because of their inconsistencies.

But it looks like it's your only option if you want to keep it within TRUE WE specs and are looking to keep the Salient Arms look.

The blowback unit is only proprietary to the slide to accommodate the melted optics. Not the system as a whole. The unit is a select fire airsoft Glock unit that Tokyo Marui introduced with their Glock 18c line. The only difference between the two are dimensions and the fact that ACE 1 modified the design so that it can be used with the semi auto Glock hammer mechanism (also introduced by Marui with their G26 line) and also that they internalized the fire selector switch.

The design choice was both so that the blowback unit can be used with WE's select fire Glock 23 and to accommodate the RMR optic (as stated above).

You could just buy the regular Ace1 Arms non-rmr version and turn your Glock into something like this:

e's Tokyo Marui / Kuan-Ju Works / Wei-Tech Glock 19: "Ludus"

Bear in mind that the kit pictured above does not come with the blowback unit. Only sights. SO you'll have to use your existing WE stock blowback unit with it.

On the other hand, it is a bit cheaper and it's what your current set up is modelled after....
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