as all we know this is the cool down effect, but I still would like to compare your case and verify.
for game you engaged that much, you may add more mags for exchange(too short of time for refill and shoot again), or get a lunch bag with a bottle of warm water to warm up the mags(you temperature is not high enough to keep warm). or switch between your primary and pistol use(give time to warm back), or the last thing you may try is shorten the push pin(if you have spare part to replace).
Check out the link below see if it's helpful. good luck.
Originally Posted by dr.collapse
~1h for all, all mags was refiiled one time minium. Some mags "add-filled" (sorry, not know how to translate  ) 20-50% 2-3 times in short pauses in game.
from front of barrel
Freezing - no, but bolt some cold of course.
Mags cold like usually. Like аfter the nornal shooting. Blowback go weak.
Something is wrong. But I do not understand that .
Сan I fill a lot of gas in mag?
I use "blue" Guarder (regular green gas)