Thread: One Bag Livin'
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Old October 8th, 2015, 13:31   #6
Bravo One-Six
Pacification Specialist
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Ricochet, I think you and I are talking about very different things. The Deadfall event here in Ontario would easily see someone away from an FOB or basecamp for over 24 hours, if not by choice, then because of mission requirements.

This post is specifically designed to address the packing needs of individuals that will be IN the field for 30-48 hours, without resupply. Going back to 'retrieve it' when needed is not an option.

Case in point, during Deadfall, the enemy seized our base while we were out on a tasking.All items at base were now inside a well guarded enemy strong point. If you forgot your extra clothing layers, it was going to be a cold night.

Is this the kind of event you're referring to?

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