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Old September 29th, 2015, 20:45   #16
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
They perform the same until fouling sets in. Longer barrels foul faster.
A 650mm barrel will shoot just as well as a 10" barrel until fouling sets in and it can take as few as 100 rounds.
You look at some of the top performing guns out there owned by some of the best techs, and they tend to be under 14" barrels shooting under 2ft groupings at 300ft

If barrel length had an actual effect on accuracy, you'd see a gradual but obvious declination in accuracy going longer or shorter.
But the fact is they perform just as well in the first few shots, but the shorter barrels are more efficient and more effective over a larger number of shots.
If the longer barrels were noticeably better, more guntechs would be running 20" barrels. But the fact is you can get the same performance in a shorter barrel with incidentally less fouling over shots fired.
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