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Old September 28th, 2015, 03:15   #3
Join Date: Nov 2011
Originally Posted by Snaffu View Post
When I insert a freshly gassed magazine (green gas) and pull the trigger I hear a dull thunk as if the gas valve on the magazine is being tapped but no gas comes out and no bbs shoot. If I rack the slide a bb will roll out the barrel. Other times I will pull the trigger and it will shoot similar to a Springer once and then won't shoot again. Sometimes it will shoot a few times then it will stop shooting. I've taken the whole thing apart. There are no damaged pieces as the gun is brand new. I reassembled correctly so that's not the issue.
You need to upgrade the hammer spring. The pressure of green gas is bigger than JAPAN 134a gas. You need a harder hammer spring for opening the magazine output valve. Something like this !!!
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