Has this turned into another dick-waving competition?
Keep this thread on-topic and relevant to the experience-level of the OP. Most guys actively participating in this thread have been tech'ing for years (some who tech 8+ hours a day) and fail to recognize that the average ability/skill level of guys like OP are minimal to low. Think back to the first time you ever opened a V2 box, now start there. I feel like most of these "what upgrade parts are good? What is a good parts list" type threads degrade into tech showcases where super high-end parts lists, niche mods and difficult to modify/difficult to find parts are flaunted with little to no regard for the actual context of the thread.
OP is looking for a simple ready-to-go parts list of stuff he can assemble simply without having to mod or worry about failures or bad batches of parts.
The Steve has spoken.