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Old April 2nd, 2015, 04:53   #903
Join Date: Jun 2014
Hi Eluder,

Thank you for your feedback. I solved the issues before getting it, but this confirms at least that I understood this mechanic!
Concerning the hammer hook, this is what I did. Since the access is really difficult, I used a flat screw driver to fill a bit the hooks. Just taking off the paint has been enough to get it to hang correctly. The gun now cycles.
The issue with the loader wass indeed due to the hammer. Filling just a minimum the magazine where the catch grabs has also been enough. it still doesn't move in the body, but it doesn't leak anymore.

Now I have a last issue: the slide doesn't stay back on the last shot. I can't tell if it is because of not enough recoil (but there is a 150% guarder spring), or if the lever doesn't catch the magazine. It works when I slide manually and seem to be in the correct position. Not when I shoot. Strange issue, since these pieces are original Marui, and the gun is totally new.
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