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Old March 25th, 2015, 16:09   #16
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
I have seen 3 TM G17 slide explode in the last month... all interior fields btw.

TMs will works on propane, for a time.

Hicapas do run forever on propane, but Glocks break the slide in 2 at the front.
This is why I said propane is a problem for most TM pistols. From lore I have had passed onto me from several individuals, TM pistols are designed by the Japanese according to Japanese regulations. Most people there are using duster gas in the pistols to keep them under a certain joule limit, and because of this the tolerances of the pistol internals, and even externals, are geared towards use with duster gas. That is why there are a ton of must-do upgrades for most TM pistols out of the box before using propane in them. WE pistols are geared towards use with green gas/propane and require no upgrades to use propane with confidence. Of course you always have those people that use a TM pistol completely stock on propane and have no issues, but those people are few and far between.

TM pistols can function like monsters using propane, but you need to upgrade them first. Something to consider.

Again, if money is no issue, go TM and talk to e-luder as he's a master of TM pistols. However, if you want a monster for under $500, go with WE and talk to Glock here on ASC. He has a WE pistol that has better range and accuracy than most AEGs; no joke.
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; March 25th, 2015 at 16:12..
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