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Old March 18th, 2015, 00:28   #883
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Slide Aluminium
Is the PGC PGC Aluminium Slide & Outer Barrel still the safest choice in drop-in and fit ?
For the price, yes.
You can either buy that or a SHooter's Design slide. They are about the same price range and they both have similar fitting. Although, the Shooter's Design slides have a looser tolerance than the PGC ones.

If your budget is a bit higher, you can get something like the Bowie Tactical Custom slides. TO date, it's one of the best fitting slides I had ever worked with. ...consistantly, I might add.

Blow Back Housing
Should I go with the original TM BBU or the Guns Modify CNC G17 Blow Back Housing Set for Tokyo Marui G17
would be a better choice (Considering my felt recoil goal)
If you want felt recoil, the Guns Modify lightweight blowback housing won't help you. It will make it so that you feel LESS recoil.

If you want more felt recoil, you need to make the weight of slide heavier. Not lighter. And with minimal resistance from the recoil spring.

Is there parts I am better keeping Original TM^
All of it.
THe only thing that i would recommend you changing out the hammer spring. THe rest is "if it's not broke, don't fix it" type deal.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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