Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
PTW mags are notorious for wearing out their springs on heavy ammo. Even stretching the springs 30% has limited effect.
Ended up getting MAG springs (heh), stretched those 15%, work great now.
Old madbull bios had coating issues, allegedly they left a film on everything. I'm using madbull non-bio .30s to great effect, but would like to use a bio BB. Comes down to BBB .28s or madbulls (don't like green devils).
PTWs are also notorious for being picky about the ammo they can shoot, and the ammo that will feed in the mag.
I have problems with biovals and Goldenballs. Devils, Bastard, madbull .43, and silica's is what the gun wants in its gob and bottle.
Frank can you send me a sample of Madbulls? I abandoned them back in 2010 when the packaging changed their was a big quality drop.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory