My LCT AK74, formerly the woody model, now readied for the new season with new AK74M Poly furniture (non folder stock - LCT AK74 has full stock tangs built into the receiver, no provision for folding stock), in an all stock trim. All black, basic and understated, should do me just fine, for daylight use. Significantly lighter heft, than with the wood trim. Wood was starting to look rather battered/repeated wet-soak immersion splitting, so took it all off for now in order to repair, refinish, and weather correctly, for display purposes.
I am still tempted to 'tacticalize' it.. but if i were to go that route, i think an AK105 would be the better base, to do it.
Just waiting for the correct PBS-1 to finish up my LCT AKMSU to a fantasy tactical rendition, for night time use. Will post that up later - hopefully with better quality photos.