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Old February 16th, 2015, 13:42   #879
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Originally Posted by Animalmother View Post
How reliable are your glocks?

I've used mine and noticed that they are a bit lacking in the power department when the refs called out people not calling thier hit.

Especially at ranges over 50'. I would use green gas but that would me I would have to shell out 150 or more for the guarder and slide. I already have a guarder recoil spring and hammer spring. Just need the PGC slid and guarder frame and I should be OK right?
I know all these aftermarket parts can be a PIA similar to how aegs have parts that don't fit, like my shs air nozzle and g&p gearbox.

I installed only a nineball vsr bucking and first factory 6.03 barrel. I use duster gas, but as I said people were not calling hits often after 50', even direct headshots. I fired 10' f/a on a guys boot and he told me the only way he knew I hit his was when we physically saw BBS hitting him rolling off his plates carrier.

When in doubt:

recoils spring, metal slides and frames don't contribute to upgrading your range. Those are durability spec upgrades.

If you want range, switch BBs, upgrade the bucking and tight bore.

Or you can just <gasp>
Use your primary. and hose the fuckers down...
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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