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Old February 2nd, 2015, 21:25   #5
Brengun's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: GTA, Ontario
Originally Posted by l9ll0l View Post
im thinking of buying this gun - G&G TR4-18 Short, $429

unless someone can suggest a better one i could buy for a similar price
That was my first gun, and I still love it. Have had it for about a year now, and absolutely no issues or problems at all. It has a great sound (with the electric blow-back), shoots accurately enough and fairly far without upgrades, and it always felt very comfortable to me. Battery in the stock is super easy to access and change, but I usually got through a full day (and 700+ BBs) without changing.

I play outside, so the length is perfect. I shorten it up when I am in the woods, or tall grass, so easier to move around. I haven't played any CQB, so can't offer any comments there.
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