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Old January 24th, 2015, 08:11   #4
Join Date: Dec 2014
I have bought multiple orders from them. They are a friendly lot although I have clashed a couple times with them on waiting on orders because of not in stock and they had to order it in. However they have gotten everything I have looked for. When you order you can put in notes and they will try and do it for you so I applaud them for that. An example was I wanted a black cap on my grey water Nalgene bottle that usually came with a blue one and they did it. My only gripe is communication in there is all over the place when it comes to your order so it causes confusion. Grahm has helped me on multiple occasions and I am not an easy customer. I am the type of person that likes everything in order and done perfectly :P. If they can deal with me they can deal with any customer lol. Overall not a bad bunch although one of their guys really needs to work on his phone behavior and not swear so much lol. They do price match as well. They got me my speed trigger as well and I thought I was getting in silver which was all they had when I wanted a black one and they ended up getting me the black one. Just note that sometimes it takes a couple weeks to get all your order together but you will get the stuff.
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