Originally Posted by lurkingknight
not sure the validity of claims on the silicone mod that sorbo isn't consistent. How much more consistent than +/-5 can you get? Sorbo has been used on dsg builds going up to that magical 90rps and there are no issues.
With a harder material comes more shock transferred to the front of the gearbox. Sorbothane was researched and chosen for it's shock absorption properties. it also takes all of 1 minute to install and does the job fine. I'm not sure why'd this messy alternative is any more appealing when you're talking the tiniest of gains for proportionally a lot more work.
Not to disregard his claims, as you could stick any pad in there that's good at retaining shape and absorbing the shock load from the piston, there's a few different types of material out there that do it, but for 5 bucks and a bit of CA glue and 1 minute, what's the point of spending 24+hours to get the silicone set properly for very little gain?
I've seen guns with airseal at +/-3fps and that's ridiculous. When it's down to that it's more than likely the variances of the BB not being perfectly spherical.
Go with an ASR fet, I'm not confident with a pico being able to handle these big builds. I've installed several ssr2 and a couple have melted down.
I'll be getting a Modify Torus gearbox w/ all modify internals, that covers the reinforcement aspect.
The whole Purpose of using silicone as a replacement for Sorbo, is to eliminate the reset time of the damping material. Sorbo, having characteristics of foam, has a period of time required for it to return to it's original form after being compressed. With a material like silicone, it simply rebounds to it's original shape, therefore having an instantaneous reset. The whole aim of the game is consistency, as this mod was pioneered in the airsoft sniping scene by a Swedish tech under the name of "Hammar." The silicone method also allows you to customize the shape of the mould in order to tune to specific factors, which you cannot do with sorbothane. Silicone is also more durable than Sorbothane pads, and as far as we have seen, this damper mod has not been worn out yet on correct applications! I urge you to read the original thread on ASF, here: