Thread: Build help!
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Old January 10th, 2015, 23:08   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Build help!

So I'm wanting to make an odd build for my custom G&P M4, it's a mix of high FPS, ROF, and Range.
The gun needs to shoot around 400Fps w/ .25s, the ROF needs to be around 35RPS or more, and the gearbox need to able to sustain the internals.
Will the stock G&P gearbox work or would a new reinforced gearbox be needed?
Here's what I have so far:
-Madbull PX 14 Full Steel Teeth Piston (Do I need to Swiss cheese it?)
-Stock G&P Cylinder, Cylinder Head, Piston Head, Tappet Plate,
-SHS Red Air Nozzle
-Modify Quantum Low-Gauge Wiring w/ PICOSSR Mosfet.
-Modify Hop-Up Chamber w/ Modify Flat Hop (Hard) attached to a Madbull Python M16 Length Inner Barrel.

What do I parts/things I need to do to make this build work?
I know I need a Dual Sector Gear(What brand is the best/ what other gears should I get to match the DSG)
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