How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
The biggest issue with airsoft is that there are several, very discernibly different, groups doing different things, and they all claim to play airsoft. Go by event description to know what you are walking into. There are reinactors, WWII & Vietnam, etc, there are speedballers & woodsballers, etc, and tactical team or milsimers, etc, three gun/sport shooters, plinkers, collectors, sci-Fi role-players, and apparently it's all airsoft. Depending on what type of event it is, these groups don't always mix. You can't go to an open to all event and be upset that there is a guy dressed like Master Chief, can't go to a milsim and say that the tactical squads take it too seriously. I don't go to WWII events dressed in modern gear, and vice versa. Be prepared appropriately for whichever event you are attending, because other than the presence of airsoft guns, they are not the same thing. Each event, team, field, whatever, tries to set a tone for play type and style. When in Rome people! If you're having a BF/COD style event, then that's what it is. You can't get mad at players working tactically to dominate and applying military style training and equipment, just as they can't get mad at guys who are there for some fun trigger time. When you're in someone else's house, it's their rules, have some respect.
Wether serious or more for fun based, say combat simulation versus capture the flag or whatever, the vast majority of games are based around modern combat and equipment. The specialty groups such as WWII may attract a decent following, but some of the less popular ones don't, abd therefore may lack a player base for their style. In response to this they attend other style of events and try to play their way, which is where the problems usually arise.
There are lots of come one come all games, or specialty games, but you may have to do some driving, depending of course on where you are. When I started we were in a fairly small town. We had our own private field and ran modern, tactical style games, often having other like-minded teams come play. We would meet the odd individual who wanted to go something else, alas there was no other team types in the area. There was three teams there, all modern tactical style, in one way or another. One guy we met wanted to do WWII stuff, but the nearest was hours away and another guy wanted to so a role-playing thing of sorts. I get that you want to dress up like a care bear and run around with a samurai sword with and airsoft gun styled after a pulse rifle, all while pretending to be the savior of some fictitious fantasy land, but then go to the appropriate events. Your welcome at the others of course, but show up game appropriate, gear and mindset.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...