After this poor show, I then took it apart. PROPERLY. Following guides and taking my buddy's apart first

The face of the bucking is chewed. It is being pressed into the feed area too much.
Yes I am new to Airsoft. No I am not new to mechanical tinkering, and especially not forum marketplace environments. If I can strip a technologically advanced car and put it together. I can do a gun with a few parts (eg, first thing I did was replace internals on my first gun's V3, pinion shim, and aluminum hop chamber, flat hopped it, works great).
I personally thought Hughes was super friendly. These are issues that shooting in a room vs shooting in a field would provide different results.
I posted this thread to expedite tips and troubleshooting while I did analyzed the gun to determine issues. I wanted feedback from the experts as the owner is too busy to respond. Glad to hear a new bucking would help, that's what I thought. Hopefully the nub will help as well.