Thread: Propane vs CO2
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Old October 30th, 2014, 00:40   #11
p0nch3's Avatar
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Location: Scarbs
The kp06 has been my workhorse pistol for a while now. It was the first one I got. I don't know if it's just mine but mines been really finicky since I started messing around with internals. Anyway back to the OP, CO2 and propane are perfectly okay in it. But the main concern here is whether you'll be playing indoors or outdoors. Consistency wise, CO2 is your best bet. But it will shoot really hot for CQB(my clocks at around 400fps on co2). Propane/GG puts it pretty much safe for indoors but the efficiency on the pistol is just terrible. It's only about a magazine and a half on propane, and I think it's also the similar on co2. Blame the hefty slide for that.

All in all, I would recommend getting propane mags just so you can have a bit more versatility. The length of the inner barrel makes it still effective at that FPS for a little bit longer distances so you shouldn't have too much issue taking it outside.
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