Thread: Propane vs CO2
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Old October 29th, 2014, 21:30   #1
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Location: Mississauga, but I travel.....alot
Propane vs CO2

I recently picked up a gbb pistol (KJW KP-06) and it came with a CO2 mag.

Now after some research I'm decently sure that it will accept propane and the CO2 mags without any internal modification needed.

My question is which is better, has a higher FPS more shots per mag, maintenance and so forth.

Is it worth buying more CO2 mags or should I switch to propane. Is one better for indoor than the other?
7.62....617 grams of diplomacy

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Give your friend the benefit of the doubt and SHOOT HIM AGAIN.
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