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Old October 26th, 2014, 18:58   #16
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Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
I have used a ton of WE products and I have always had the best results using WE parts with few internal upgrades - NPAS, hopup rubber, inner barrel. WE has come a long way in the past two years.

Most of the WE parts can be had for half or one third the price of the RA Tech parts. Call me an economist, but that seems like a better investment. Hell, buy a WE Open Bolt M4 and you get the WE Open Bolt kit for $90-100 you essessentially have 100% spare internal parts.

To each their own. My guns shot just as far and just as accurately as with RA Tech parts - I know this because I had guns I had decked out. Had more issues with the RA Tech stuff than I did with the WE.
That is interesting. I personal have not bought a single RA Tech upgrade, but I see a lot have people have. Also it seems that RA Tech loves to flood the news and YouTube with the upgrades stuff and their performance comparisons on a pool table.
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