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Old October 21st, 2014, 17:44   #857
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
So I am a bit of a pickle here, I recently did some big upgrades to my TM Glock 17, on Normal Stock TM Mags the gun shoots full auto like an 18C. but when i borrow my friends WE Glock mags they shoot fine. So I'm thinking if its something to do with high flow valves since the WE come stock with them. Note that I will only be listing the parts I have changed in the gun. With my previous parts my gun works completely fine.

Parts I recently Modified:

Guns Modify CNC BBU
Action 8MM bearing Hammer Set

Guarder 150% Hammer Spring
Ready Fighter SAI Flat Trigger Paired with WE trigger Bar (My stock TM trigger bar was Threadlocked to my Guns Modify Trigger)

THE two bolded components are a red flag for me.
I would swap out some internal stock components to see which one is causing what.

I know for a fact that the GunsModify BBU can act a bit wonky with aftermarket parts. Specifically piston heads. lol.

But yeah. I think that bearing and BBU combo might not be acting correctly.
So just swap a stock BBU to test the functionality of your Action 8mm bearing. Then swap to the stock bearing, to check and see if the Gomodify BBU is acting correctly. That's what I would do....


THere's isn't not enough blowback to lock you hammer to sear hooks. That means that your gun is essentially short stroking.

Improve your piston head seal. Increase the hammer spring tension. And if neccessary, downgrade your recoil spring tension...

This increases your gun's capacity for blowback operation. Good seals + less resistance during the rearward stroke gets you a charged hammer (theoratically)...

There might be something else at play that I'm overlooking but I would start there....
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."

Last edited by e-luder; October 21st, 2014 at 17:52..
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