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Old October 19th, 2014, 13:02   #856
formerly pivot
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Calgary
My new TM Glock 17 wasn't cycling properly so I took it apart and found that the front screw post on the frame had exploded. After some reading I found out that this was pretty common. Crap.

In the picture you can see the 3 individual pieces of the screw post that busted off.

I went to home depot and got some #6x32 blind anchors and some #6x32 countersunk machine screws and tried a DIY frame fix. I cut out the remaining part of the post and roughed up the area with a file. I drilled out the existing front rail hole to accommodate the larger #6 screw, threaded the the blind anchor on and covered the thread hole with a tiny piece of tape so the JB weld wouldn't get in the hole. I put a bit of JB weld into the old post socket, just enough to hit the bottom of the anchor and set the rails into the frame and let set. I backed out the screw the next day then filled the remaining cavity with more JB weld. This is what it looked like after drying.

I trimmed the material off of the sides and where I got it a bit too high and reassembled. It was pretty quick to to and costs less than $15.

I have about 400 rounds through it and it seems to be working fine. I'm going to get a Guarder frame anyway, but I thought I'd be interesting to see how long it will work with this mod before it fails.
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