Originally Posted by DipTwit
In truth, I bought clone PTWs because I was sick & tired of opening up AEG gearboxes...
If my clone shot about the same as my $500 AEG (it shoots even better, thankfully) and cost under $500 (it did) and is as easy to maintain as a PTW, then I should be happy to never turn back, right!?
If I use what I learned to buy & maintain a real Systema down the road, all the better, but I can appreciate the improved design in a clone too.
I could appreciate that sentiment. The issue with buying a clone, and then upgrading later is that Systema parts are much more expensive purchased seperately from the gun. But if you can get it running reliably and shooting straight, then I suppose that's a victory in itself. I don't like cheap clones strictly on their concept. Very rarely does it work out, and CTW, at least for the most part, is no exception. I disagree with Thunder that a companies history shouldn't be held against them. I would definately give them another shot, but wait until the results are out, and never believe the hype until it can be backed up.
Personally I'm waiting for a company to release parts, or even a gun, that is all around as good or better than a Systema. Real competition would do wonders for the price war.