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Old September 25th, 2014, 17:26   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Getting better, yes.

I've always tried to stay objective when it comes to new stuff and brand improvement. Of course there are die hard systema fans that'll just shit on anything that isn't a systema.
FCC was proven time and time again to be an inferior product.
CTW has traditionally been crap, but let's all wait to see reviews of their new generation before deciding it's crap too. After all, G&G started off being as bad as chinasoft and clearsoft.

Let's not judge the new gun based on the company's history, but on the gun itself.

Although I sort of agree with Ricochet, there IS a place for ptw clones on the market.
Basically you get inferior internals, maybe the cylinders blow apart, maybe you need a new hop adjuster right off the bat, maybe the electronics don't last very long.
BUT, if all those things are systema interchangeable, then you have a half measure to having a really great gun at lower cost. It could be a good way to introduce people into ptws.
The major drawback of the AEG is the flimsy barrel group which is where you lose all your performance potential compared to a ptw. So if you can use a systema barrel group and have an fps variation of 2fps or less, well then it should shoot pretty darn close to the same.
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