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Old September 18th, 2014, 10:44   #15
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Just use care and common sense. I've been using lipos for years in RC Heli's and cars, I only use a lipo bag while charging, if it's going to go it's going to go, you do NOT have time to do anything about it once the reaction starts so definitely use something or put it on non flammable ground and away from flammables while charging.

During transport is the least likely time for a lipo to spontaneously catch fire, as long as you keep them protected (i.e. don't put a screw driver in the same container) you're fine. The vast majority of fires are because of over charging (either too fast or too much) and the left over small parts are from damage and of course on purpose. I've seen a 22.2v 3000mah lipo survive a heli crash from 50' up. Punctured, torn, ripped apart but it didn't catch on fire.

For transport I use everything from a Plano tackle box (for batteries, tools and spare parts) to lunch box's to tool boxes... etc. I've even used those cheap ziploc containers meant for lunches...

Last edited by waylander; September 18th, 2014 at 10:47..
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