Originally Posted by pcvando
Could someone please clarify weather or not WE and TM nozzles are cross compatible?
For semi-auto only glocks, the nozzles are "supposed to be" cross compatible between WE and TM G17 (for select fire glock they are just not compatible), but in practice, you will very likely run into problem of different tolerance, or just minor difference in dimensions.
I think you may need to buy a OEM or third party nozzle specified for TM, and another OEM nozzle for the WE (there is currently an enhanced third party nozzle specified for WE glock, but not available outside Taiwan).
Before you replacing the nozzle, try find out what caused the problem, or you may have next nozzle broken quickly as well. What you described is uncommon in both WE and TM. Are those guns new when you get them? Is there anything weird when you firing them?