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Old September 4th, 2014, 17:57   #320
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Originally Posted by DrunkenTeddy View Post
I was wondering about that, if Panther has a HPA fill station then I am 100% set on getting a good HPA tank for this bad-boy. And us LMAG guys are around, we just started playing Thursday nights at Panther (sometimes along with the drop ins/PAC guys if we are low on numbers). We also have a game this Saturday there that should be pretty good turn-out.
Need to look into HPA setups as well; I've been contemplating and planning a performance AR AEG but I might delay it for the Tippman if they put out a reasonable release date.

I usually play on Sundays at Panther w/ the Omega guys, but will see about dropping by a Saturday game if I can convince my buddies to come along. Will double check and confirm the HPA thing but I'm pretty sure they've got it; I remember it being mentioned during the big Panther/LMAG fiasco.

Originally Posted by ugcspawn View Post
I think I've read that the response trigger used in it allow for faster ROF the more you press the trigger. Kinda like a spool with a fixed orifice. The more you move the spool down, te more air is allowed through the orifice, making the system's ROF higher.
That wouldn't make much sense considering it has ROF adjustment via a screw or something inside the receiver. Would also seem to mess with consistency, wouldn't be a fan of it either. Most likely CO2 related like DrunkenTeddy said.

I'll post up on FB and ask Booligan and see if he can look into it or something.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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