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Old September 4th, 2014, 02:53   #849
And why not?
Join Date: Sep 2014

Hey guys. I have a Tokyo Marui G17 Custom and I'm trying to get it work with the WE Custom Aluminium slide and outer barrel.

After some grinding to fit the outer barrel on the lower part of the body, I am now stuck with two problems.

First problem is, that when the slide is in a normal position (see the attachment), the slide lock button doesn't fall in its normal position. I have to pull back the slide for 1-2mm, than the slide lock button goes in its normal position, now however the slide is positioned 1-2mm behind it's normal position and does not want to move further forward.
Interesting thing here is that if I remove the recoil spring assembly, slide goes into its normal position just fine, so does the slide lock button, but I was so far unable to identify the place where the recoil spring assembly could block anything...

Nonetheless, even from that position slide goes back fine and replica fires normally. The second problem is that once the slide finishes it's cycle, the trigger remains soft - i.e. I can press it, but it does not release the hammer. If I cycle the slide manually, it works as expected - trigger is ready for another shot. Also, if I shoot with an empty mag (as in no BBs), and the slide gets stopped by a slide stop lever - once I release the lever, trigger functions normally.

I have tried the slide on a WE Glock and it works normally. I have also tried both original Marui hammer spring, and what looks like a 150% spring that came with the slide, tried with both Marui and WE mag, 9 bar and 12 bar gas, all with the same result. Currently I am out of ideas, so any advise or similar experience would be welcome!
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